HealthSherpa Press

Revisions to Affordable Care Act May Improve Payer Performance

by Vera Gruessner on HealthPayer Intelligence — October 11, 2016

Widespread Extensions Ahead of Midnight Deadline

by Jayne O'Donnell on USA Today — February 15, 2015

Entrepreneurship, Digital Health, and the Future of Exchanges

by Alli Chandra on Wharton Pulse — February 1, 2015

How to Reboot

by Andrew Sprung on New Republic — September 17, 2014

Courts create Obamacare uncertainty: What it could mean for you

by Nicole Goodkind on Yahoo Finance — July 22, 2014

More Than One Way to Buy a Plan

by Jess Bidgood on New York Times — March 6, 2014

Signing up for Obamacare could someday take as little as 10 minutes

by Brian Fung on Washington Post — February 26, 2014

Answers available for those wondering about Obamacare costs

by Tom Ensey on America Now News — January 16, 2014

How three apolitical entrepreneurs became Obamacare sherpas

by Alex Dalenberg on Upstart Business Journal — December 2, 2013

Lou Dobbs Tonight: HealthSherpa

by on — November 22, 2013

Potomac native helps launch health insurance website

by Kevin Shay on Potomac Gazette — November 21, 2013 Created Quickly to Make Shopping for Health Insurance Easier

by Christine Parrish on — November 21, 2013

What will an Obamacare policy cost you? Check out the rates with these tools

by Stephen Koff on — November 20, 2013

Comparing New Health Insurance Plans Made Easy

by Tamara Lytle on AARP Blog — November 20, 2013

CNBC: Squawk on the Street, HHS followup

by on CNBC: Squawk on the Street — November 19, 2013

Wonkbook: How Obamacare's fear of further failure is becoming an impediment to success

by Ezra Klein and Evan Soltas on Washington Post: Wonkblog — November 19, 2013

Fox News: Fox & Friends

by on — November 18, 2013

CNBC: Squawk on the Street

by on — November 18, 2013

Why People Love Health Sherpa

by on Fusion News — November 15, 2013

How Obamacare Should Have Been

by Francine Hardaway on Huffington Post — November 15, 2013

Programmers Find New Way to Navigate Health Plans

by Jess Bidgood on New York Times — November 15, 2013

Team of 20-Somethings Creates Popular Alternative

by Eva Recinos on Mashable — November 14, 2013

Fox Business News: David Asman

by on — November 14, 2013

3 San Francisco coders show how health care website could have been simpler

by Tom Howell Jr. on The Washington Times — November 14, 2013

Start-up Obamacare website gets media high-fives

by Patricia Borns on Miami Herald — November 13, 2013

Healthsherpa Helps Thousands Get Insurance Quotes

by Aarti Shahani on NPR — November 13, 2013

Fox Business: Varney & Co

by on — November 13, 2013

CBS Morning News

by on — November 12, 2013

3 Guys, 3 Days to Build a Better Obamacare Website

by Liz Neporent on ABC National News — November 12, 2013

Fox Business: Money

by on — November 12, 2013

King Recommends Temporary Alternative to

by Senator Angus King on — November 12, 2013

Trio of young coders build health-care website in days

by Doug Gross on — November 11, 2013

S.F. programmers build alternative to

by John Blackstone on CBS News — November 8, 2013

CBS Evening News

by on — November 8, 2013

John Batchlor Show

by on John Batchlor Show — November 4, 2013

These Guys Just Built the Website Should Have Been

by Ashley Feinberg on Gizmodo — November 4, 2013

Three Guys Built a Better

by Connor Simpson on The Atlantic Wire — November 2, 2013

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